What I've done in 2019

A weekly log on my life and personal growth

W52-53 (12/23 - 01/05) Vacation

12.25 - 01.01 把 Nikki 和赵四安顿好,我们踏上了🇲🇽坎昆之旅。这次完全没做计划,一切顺其自然。从冰天雪地跳到阳光沙滩,这个冲击感很美妙。每天可以不在乎时间,完全自由同样难能可贵。我们一半的时间在躺着,在酒店在沙滩,看电影看书。一半的时间在附近的景点,丛林金字塔和水上乐园。

  • 玛雅的金字塔是我来之前最向往的,我们去了 Chichen Itza, Coba 和 Tulum。金字塔虽然不如我想象中壮观,但是了解各种细节才知道其中奥妙,尤其关于当时人们对宇宙、时间、神的理解。玛雅人以手脚数目 20 作为计数单位,随之而来的是每个月 20 天,一年 18 个月,留下 5 天禁忌日。纪年也如此,不是十进制的 2020-01-01,而是BC3000年左右的元年开始算起,以二十进制计算天数:这俨然是一个 IP 地址🤔)。传说中的 2012-12-21 只是大数字进一变成了 而已。(这个 Mayan Calendar Converter 有详细的介绍)。玛雅的文字和汉字一样是方块字,但不同的是玛雅人是在田字格内画画,还涂着颜色,非常绚烂。知乎上这篇讲解很好看:破解失传的古文字(象形文字、楔形文字等)最初是如何被破译的?
  • 行程最后一天的 Xcaret 是最大亮点,一座建在丛林和海滩上的主题乐园。我们再次体验了快艇摩托伞,一起在天空享受宁静。对于高度近视的我,确实分不清海天是如何相接。体验最好的是里边的一条人造河,从起点到终点游泳划行一个小时,全程都是玛雅的石头建筑和绿色丛林。这是我此次旅行最美妙的时光。
  • 闲暇时间刷了一些想看好久的书和电影:
    • 爱尔兰人让我回到了大学时光,猛刷罗伯特德尼罗和阿尔帕西诺的日子。四个小时的电影,如果好看是真的享受。婚姻故事很不错,但是好像不适合两个人一起看;美国工厂这个纪录片就有意思了,评论说的没错,这是十八世纪资本主义和二十一世纪资本主义的冲突;谋杀疑案 是个亚当桑德勒标签化的傻逼电影。
    • 世界小史是本很好的历史读物,粗糙但是有大视角;一个叫欧维的男人决定去死也很好读,故事人物典型老套,但是笔触非常幽默顺畅。看了大半本统计学关我什么事,非常浅显,我主要是来看到底什么是贝叶斯的。来时的路上开了躺了很久的道德经(这个版本很不错),看了前四分之一,非常让我大开眼界,时间是打不破智慧的。木心的文学回忆录也走了四分之一,正好配着刚看过的世界小史,从文学的视角再捋一遍。


视频 YouTube, Youku

W51 (12/16 - 12/22)

  • Super happy to wrap up all the work before Christmas vacation, looking forward to our 2020.
  • 组里的年终聚会再次展现了自己的手工天赋,成功制作了唯一的圣诞危房。
  • 这周家里的厨艺争霸异常激烈,喜福的小酥肉非常完美,可能和我的怒炸排骨不相上下。
  • 接下来是 16 天的假期:在家呆四天,去坎昆度假七天,再回来休整五天。想做的事情很多,继续 Rust 学习,看爱尔兰人,找本闲书看,去海边装死,新年回来去上第一堂滑雪课。期待。


W50 (12/09 - 12/15)

  • Pick up my Rust learning by finishing reading and practicing rust-unofficial/too-many-lists, which is such an interesting read. What I enjoy the most is the feeling (or illusion) of getting a new or deeper understanding about something I thought I knew.
  • Nikki 为期六周的 Level 1 课程这周二结束了,我们短暂的学生家长体验也到期了。Nikki 作为班级最调皮捣蛋的,每次上课都大声说话,开始两次课真是让我们头疼欲裂。没办法,只能硬挺保持耐心,跟喜福报团取暖。现在回看,如果以天为跨度,那多是无奈,但是如果放大到每周,那确实一直都在进步。最后一课期末考试,Nikki 让所有人刮目相看(要我说只是正常发挥在家的水准而已)获得了第三名,一旁老父亲老母亲欣慰不已。
  • 姥爷突然离世,2019年12月13日。我心里没有特别难过,伤心主要来自对妈妈和大舅的感同身受。一晚上都有点恍惚,脑子在不断搜索记忆,希望留下一些美好的画面。至此,我不曾怀疑的理应存在的爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷全都消失在了这个世界。感谢你们给的爱和回忆。


W49 (12/02 - 12/08)

  • 周中同事问了一个简单的 Rust 问题,发现两个月不用,脑子又基本忘光了。所以周末开始了这一年第三次阅读 The Rust Programming Language。这回不用一章章读了,顺着脑子里的问题去寻找就好了。
  • 周四晚上和 David, Alex 去 Apollo 看了 The Twilight Zone 的 60 年重映,作为 59 年开播的科幻黑色故事集,可以说是当时的黑镜。有些东西真的是被时间冲不破的,或者说 60 年完全掀不起时间的波澜。我常常幻想,如果把黑白换成彩色影像,那当时和现在有什么区别?
  • 这周做了四次晚饭,还去了趟菜市场,人生巅峰,值得表扬 ☺️


W48 (11/25 - 12/01)

  • I’m actively shifting my focus and time to daily life in terms of work life balance, but apparently I’m leaning over so much that I lost my balance, particularly the morning time. I just keep wondering is it worth it? To sacrifice my high productivity for dog walking and cat feeding
  • 周二课堂上刚刚欣慰见到 Nikki 的进步,就发觉她好像大步迈进了青春期,各种斗志昂扬的不听话。连着三天我都忍不住生气,只能跟喜福报团取暖,互相安慰。
  • 这一周的兴奋被迪巴拉的神奇任意球承包了


W47 (11/18 - 11/24)

  • 最近工作很忙碌,准备了半年的项目,Mitch 下周要去给 CEO 做 demo。大家齐心协力赶进度,很期待下周的结果。
  • 这周来回路上还有散步的时间听完了 Serial 第一季。基本上讲了一个发生在 99 年,怎么看都像有冤情,但就是没有关键证据洗脱罪名的案件。这个播客帮忙采访回溯了当年的各种细节,2014 年播出也收获了很多新的反馈,狱中主角得以重新开启申诉。但是我翻到网站的最后更新2019年3月,州最高法院 4:3 驳回了重新审理的申诉,心里有点失落,真相在哪里?
  • 自从干了 Power of Now 的鸡汤,有意识的告诉自己(并且相信)在工作生活中向生活倾斜,周末也过的更加精彩。和喜福一起收拾屋子,去院子捡落叶,带 Nikki 出门玩,看球看剧,吃火锅,还一起做了个 wishlist 的项目,很开心。


W46 (11/11 - 11/17)

  • Nikki 迎来了她狗生的第一场大雪,喜出望外,到各处的洁白无痕的雪堆中蹦迪。周二带她去上了第二节课,深深地感受到做熊孩子家长的无奈,已经深呼吸的耐心在课程后半段消失殆尽,信好有喜福在旁边接手救场。回来的路上不断反思,貌似在狗狗教育的上只有不进则退,不用“正确”的方式就几乎就在养成“错误”。调整好心态,继续粗发。
  • 周四是公司 eng offsite,上午一直在认真 social,嘘寒问暖搞的我口干舌燥。中午很意外地碰到一堆坐在角落吃饭的朋友,开始互相吐槽活动的无聊,成立完自闭小组后果断趁机以团队活动为由早早离场。
  • 周五是 31 岁生日,正赶上我们组团建,大家去扔斧子,然后给我和 Stephen 一起过了生日。晚上照例和喜福吃饭庆祝,很平和很美好。回想 30 岁时候,自己好像在痛苦思索寻找一个不知道问题的答案,现在已经很平静接受 31 岁的现实。突然觉着自己很傻逼,哪里是时间给我什么触动呢,不过是愚蠢的对数字的敏感罢了。
  • Re-watch the Blade Runner based on the story setting, in Nov 2019.
  • Do our homework and book the trip to Cancun during Christmas time.


W45 (11/04 - 11/10)

  • 跟爸妈不舍告别,互以眼泪相赠,期待明年再相逢。
  • 日子又回到从前的状态,遛狗喂猫,认真工作,打球,看电影看比赛,但是我能感受到自己心态的变化。我相信我在变耐心,有意识的告诉自己不被时间影响,不因未来而焦虑。
  • 第一次带 Nikki 去上课,发现要学的好多呀。老师发了一本四五百页的讲义,课后还要温习和练习。为了狗子,这门课我不能弃。
  • 周末去看了 Joker,没有让我失望,很期待今年 Joaquin Phoenix 会得奖。


W44 (10/28 - 11/03)

  • 这周的节奏很稳定,白天认真工作,晚上吃饭打麻将。爸妈来玩的最后一周了,一个月的时间过得飞快。
  • 一周的阴雨绵绵,基本扫清了树上剩余的叶子,算是对这美丽的季节做了告别。今年的秋天有很多难忘的回忆,感谢大自然的美好。
  • 喜福的 PR 面试通过,这两周会拿到枫叶卡,一切顺利 ✌️
  • 在同事的带领下,第一次尝试了 pumpkin carving 🎃,比我预想的要有趣。我发现手工是能让我进入平静状态的。因为步骤简单,所以容易达到专注;因为行动大过思考,所以容易进入摒弃思考的专注状态。按照 The Power of Now 的理念,这就是人们想要的平静。


W43 (10/21 - 10/27)

  • Keep reading The Power of Now
    • I got blown away by the main idea that “you get into presence by watching the mind”, so simple but so powerful. This is the first time that I read a spiritual book, which makes me surprised and suspicious at the same time. You can never prove it scientifically, but you can just follow the angle it provides and reflect it in your mind. I like it so far.
  • 不管工作上多少事情,每天下班基本都切断了联系,享受跟爸妈在一起的时光。周中一起打麻将,周末去逛了 Niagara Fall。
  • 本来的打算是今年不买衣服,希望自己不断减少外在带来的满足感。但是喜福质问我这不是长久之计,这里的关系不应是切断,而是保持在一个稳定的低需求上。我设想了下理想的状况:所有的衣服都有最简单的颜色样式,舒服质量好,每天打开衣柜让我不花一点时间思考。周末随大家去商场买买买,搞了一堆无差别内衣裤,希望一点点迁移到外衣裤上。
  • Nikki 长大了,开始练习一嘴叼俩球了…赵四也成熟了,继承了家里的传统,看热闹打麻将。


W42 (10/14 - 10/20)


  • 10.12 - 10.14 Kingston
  • 10.15 - 10.17 Montreal
  • 10.18 - 10.19 Ottawa



W41 (10/07 - 10/13)

  • Attend Speaker Labs. In addition to the public speaking skills, there is one takeaway particularly for me
    • No matter how much effort I put into ignoring other people’s opinion, I should admit, I do care. That’s one source of truth which makes me anxious, uncomfortable and not happy.
    • It’s not wrong to care about other people’s opinions, which is exactly how we gain effective feedback from the world. However, the most difficult part is to show yourself to the world, be exposed, be vulnerable, and make the first step.
  • Start reading The Power of Now
    • An exercise: Take any routine activity that normally is only a means to an end and give it your fullest attention, so that it becomes an end in itself. For example, every time you walk up and down the stairs in your house or place of work, pay close attention to every step, every movement, even your breathing. Be totally present.
  • 周末把赵四和 Nikki 送走,跟喜福和爸妈开启一周的加东之旅。周末在 Kingston,没人的湖滨小镇,欣赏秋色。


W40 (09/30 - 10/06)

  • 想起一年前这个时候还是独自生活,现在有了喜福,赵四,Nikki,加上爸妈最近来访,时间完全被炸开了。很难再找到一整块安静自在的时间,哪怕去浪费。我希望这会是生活中好的变化,准确来说,我需要更好的适应让它变成好的变化。暂时想到这么几点:下班不再为工作烦心;跟喜欢的人(🐱🐶)不要在意时间的得失;接受属于自己的时间多数都是琐碎的。
  • 这周的主题是每天陪爸妈大吃大喝,逮着好天气就去公园和 Trail 遛狗散步。跟喜福一起订了下下周出行的路线和酒店,非常期待。周末一起来公司打乒乓,没想到俩人竟然对这玩意感兴趣


W39 (09/23 - 09/29)

  • 每周的工作已有了范式。面对干不完的活,周一周二三都自带鸡血,周四开始彷徨,周五认真划水。没有太多精力回来继续之前的学习。
  • 爸妈周五晚上到达,一路奔波我都在担心出差错,但是很好,一切顺利。周末很开心,陪着他们四处闲逛。


W38 (09/16 - 09/22)

  • 这周没写代码,基本都在开会,讨论,写文档。比我想象中的轻松。
  • 喜福去温哥华出差,我每天下午在家办公伺候主子和狗子。与狗子斗智斗勇,好几次被搞的神烦。不断告诫自己要有耐心,狗子的表现基本是我脾气的投影
  • 周末一起带狗子去 Waterloo Park 转了一圈,其实也只公园一角。每天在家风风火火巡天入地,来了大草原就咩咩找妈妈。开玩笑,狗子请起,来嗨!
  • Podcasts sharing


W37 (09/09 - 09/15)

  • 周一是赵四一周岁生日!你真是越来越招人喜欢,尤其是狗子来了咱们家之后。祝你保持对这个世界的冷漠,永远年轻,永远无所事事。
  • 周二告别了魏哥,Amy 和 Molly,虽然早有准备,但还是会觉着生活断了根线。有缘再见啦!
  • Go to St. Louis for StrangeLoop 2019. There are three talks that I really like
  • 去参加这个会议的私心在于能跟表格团聚。四年半不见,还是一如既往的舒服。最后一晚在 Bailey’s Range 喝的飞起,开心。


W36 (09/02 - 09/08)

  • Finish rustlings and start reading Too Many Lists.
  • Teach Nikki the second command, “d-o-w-n”.
  • 看了很多精彩比赛,男篮世界杯,F1 蒙扎,美网。印象最深的还是我国面对逆波兰了,疼啊疼。


W35 (08/26 - 09/01)

  • Get a basic idea on how MRuby works. Such a fun experience.
  • Read a chapter of Super Thinking on decision making. I love the reasoning about disadvantages of pro-con list, that the cost-benefit analysis comes into play. One new thing I learnt is the Le Chatelier’s principle, aka The Equilibrium Law or homeostasis, which roughly means “system always kicks back (in some situation)”. Neat.
  • 超级开心喜福一次就通过了路试,终于结束我们互相看不顺眼的学车之旅了 🎉
  • 这个 Labour Day 长周末主要是看比赛和伺候狗子。Nikki is our brand new $2000 alarm, organic. 六点半的阳光,总能带给我希望,砥砺前行 😐


W34 (08/19 - 08/25)

  • 这周的工作,一天团建,三天 Hackday,以组织的名义认真划水。
  • 养狗第一周,我和喜福都是精力被榨干。六点半起,遛狗喂猫,不想上班。什么“从今天起,砍柴喂马,春暖花开”都是骗人的。
  • 爸妈的签证第三次申请,几近曲折,竟然有发了递签信又收回的时候,这周终于过了 ✅


W33 (08/12 - 08/18)

  • Work-wise, catch up after vacation and start looking into how Artichoke works, which is a project on compiling mruby into Web Assembly. After reading the Go book and Rust book, finally, I start coding in C 😇
  • Pick up our new home member, Nikki, who is a puppy girl of English type golden retriever.
  • 利用每天的失眠,看完了毛姆的人性的枷锁。主人公的故事大概在三十岁戛然而止,而我正好在这个年纪捡起这本书。看到了好多我心中的疑虑,关于人生的意义书中也给出了明确的答案。我没法认可或是怀疑,因为最终也都是要自己一点点寻找。期待下一次重读。


W31-32 (07/29 - 08/11) Vacation


虽然旅途是 7.31(周三)出发,但是因为周一周二公司年会,我懒得飞来飞去选了远程参加,所以实际上,我之前的周末就开始放飞自我了。擦擦 PS 的灰,买了 Fifa19 和 Call of Duty: WWII;和朋友玩 VR,吃日料,玩牌,逛公园;跟喜福吃火锅看综艺;开始读 Good Math 和人性的枷锁。好久没这么轻松了。最直接的感受是,这几天早上可以神清气爽自然醒,让我怀疑是不是脑子放下了工作就少去了紧张和压力。周二收拾行李,把赵四送走,开始旅程。


  • 7.31 - 抵达温哥华。午餐 Marutama 拉面,入住 Airbnb,到附近的 Jericho Beach 闲逛。晚上 Gyukaku 烤肉,到 Lighthouse Park 徒步,赶到海边发现太阳已经下山。
  • 8.1 - 早餐 JJ Bean,到 Tsawwassen 轮渡去 Victoria。下午 Buchart Garden,Fishhook 午餐,然后 Downtown 闲逛。晚上回来已经夜里,在宽窄巷子串串烧烤小龙虾。
  • 8.2 - A&W 早餐,在家 Mario Party。中午 Lynn Canyon 徒步,然后 English Bay, Stanley Park 骑行。晚上海鲜大餐。
  • 8.3 - 中午郝记羊肉,然后 Flyover Canada,Gastown。晚上 Kokoro 日本拉面,然后在 Granville Island 看了烟花。
  • 8.4 - 早起飞去卡尔加里,中午在 OMO 日本铁板烧,开去班芙。Airbnb 超级赞,下午去 Banff Gondola,上去第一眼有点惊到我了。幅员辽阔,心旷神怡。晚上在 The Park 西餐。
  • 8.5 - Lake Louise 划船,应该是本次行程我个人眼里的高光了,像是划进了画一样。之后是梦莲湖。晚上在家 BBQ,德州。
  • 8.6 - 中午在 Tavern Pizza,然后 Fairmont 酒店下午茶,之后是 Emerald Lake。晚上回来去 High Roller 打了保龄,之后部队火锅,继续德州。
  • 8.7 - 早餐 Wild Flouver,之后开到 Peyto Lake 徒步,欣赏景色。一路美景开到 Columbia Icefield,体验 Anthabasca 冰川。晚上麦当劳,收拾行李,打牌。
  • 8.8 - 告别班芙,开回卡尔加里。逛了 Costco,在 Popeye 吃午餐。早早到机场,在候机口德州。五点飞回温哥华,晚上正宗小郡肝串串香。
  • 8.9 - 中午 Marutama 拉面,然后到渔人码头,离港观鲸。一路颠簸,好在看到了很多 Orca 和傻呵呵的海狮。回程路上听到了司机 Trevor 的传奇故事,买了他的 Natural Hy。晚上海鲜加部队火锅,最后一次德州。
  • 8.10 - 早餐 JJ Bean,十一点半拥抱,散伙。我和喜福飞机延误,十一点才飞回多伦多。
  • 8.11 - 和大舅视频,看了英超第一轮曼联 4:0 切尔西。下午出门和 Amy 魏哥午餐,接赵四和三哥回家。一起看乐队夏天最后一集。晚上和老妈视频,给大家算本次行程开销。

视频 YouTube, Youku

W30 (07/22 - 07/28)

  • Good working week, by putting my most focus on wrapping up work before my two weeks vacation 😍 We made a few great improvements over our DDD-ish Rails app.
  • Watch Amelie again at Princess Original, still fascinated by its unrestrained delight.
  • Start of my vacation with Fifa 19 and Call of Duty WWII


^Hectic Monday

W29 (07/15 - 07/21)

  • Finish reading WebAssembly 标准入门, a good intro for WASM spec.
  • Go to Leslie Ting’s Speculation at Stratford with friends. I enjoy the 4′33 part, which brings me to a meditation state.
  • 和喜福看了两部王竞导演的电影,万箭穿心一年到头,真是纠结拧巴,让人无力张口辩驳(所以才有了天注定吗?)
  • Enjoy the nice weekend with strawberry picking and VR playing.


W28 (07/08 - 07/14)

  • Re-read Programming WebAssembly with Rust. After getting to know Rust and having a general idea about WebAssembly, it makes much more sense to me now, especially that I follow the code exercise to write some raw wat this time ifyouseewendy/wasm-rust-playground
  • Have a talk with Syrus, which definitely makes me believe recording this weekly log is worthwhile. I’m glad that we build up a connection with the wasmer team.
  • Play a co-op PS game A Way Out with Jasmine, which is pretty fun.
  • Watch Shaun of the Dead on the big screen at Princess Original 😍. This might be my 8th time watching it. Once every year.
  • Watch the sensational final between Djokovic and Federer at Wimbledon. Such a weird game that Federer outplayed Djokovic at every metric on statistics, but lost due to few big points.
  • Ride to the company using my 🚲!!! (second time since I bought it three months ago, good job)


W27 (07/01 - 07/07)

  • Finish reading The Rust Programming Language. I cannot say I fully understand ownership and lifetime, but I think I’ve grasped the idea of it. Looking forward to jumping into the wild world.
  • I like this article Classes vs. Data Structures by Uncle Bob articulating the subtle difference between these two. I figured this idea out when learning Haskell out last year, which gives me another orthogonal thinking against OO in terms of data and operation. In short, “An Object is a set of functions that operate upon implied data elements. A Data Structure is a set of data elements operated upon by implied functions”.
  • Remember the smile of Brad


W26 (06/24 - 06/30)

  • Read an hour The Rust Programming Language everyday through chapter 15. I’ll finish next week, but I need more practice.
  • Keep implementing https://github.com/kanaka/mal. I’m at Step 3 now.
  • Finish watching Formula 1: Drive to Survive. Such exciting documentary over the F1 2018 season. It shows me another angle to think about the game, especially for the racers struggling on the edge. The problem they are trying to solve is interesting, how to improve from top 15 to top 10. We also watched the Austrian Grand Prix. Such a crazy win for Max Verstappen.
  • 看了大佛普拉斯,嵌套着画外人讲画内人的黑色幽默,好看的
  • Trail at Shade’s Mills Conservation Area


W25 (06/17 - 06/23)

  • Keep my read over The Rust Programming Language, with practice at work.
  • Start playing around https://github.com/kanaka/mal, which is a practice for using different language to implement a simple Lisp. I’m working on the Ruby version now, then I’ll try the Rust one.
  • Finish the fourth and fifth chapter of Quiet
  • Celebrate our first 💒 anniversary, taking a photo in the morning, having lunch at Watami, and going hiking with friends at Knutz Park.
  • Set up our BBQ grill, and have a perfect night


W24 (06/10 - 06/16)

  • Restart reading through The Rust Programming Language. Some ideas start to make more sense to me after the recent Go learning, eg slice, rune and reference.
  • Watch Raptors winning the title with Jasmine and David at Apollo. This might be the season I watch the most games. Such an intense journey. Besides that, finally, Sarri joined Juventus 😳 and AD joined Lakers 😊
  • After two months searching, we finally found a favourite breeder and sent the deposit for having a female English type Golden Retriever at mid Aug. Excited.
  • Submit the third round of application for my parents’ visitor VISA 🤞


W23 (06/03 - 06/09)

  • Keep reading The Go Programming Language and finish first half of the book (Chapter 7 Interface)
  • Naval - How to Get Rich This is another podcast I enjoy a lot, which is not mainly about finance, but different thoughts and angles to see the world.
  • Finish the show Chernobyl, a cold dark reality mixing with special politic circumstance. I can definitely not sense the similarity with my dear god country.
  • Enjoy the French Open semi-final, at which Djokovic lost to Thiem by 5:7 at the fifth set. Sad.
  • Have a great trip to African Lion Safari at the weekend. Simba is truly a big cat.


W22 (05/27 - 06/02)

  • Work wise, I feel pretty good on spending one hour reading in the morning everyday. After reading through ¼ of Domain Driven Rails, (which is a pretty good book, taking Rails as example to talk about DDD), I make it a pause consciously as I need more experience (or mistakes) to digest better. To put it into practice, I start building our new service using Hanami, which I’ve got a pretty positive feeling for being our DDD choice. Other than that, finish reading the first two chapters of GOPL.
  • I really enjoy this episode of Tim Ferris Show that I listened twice. Ramit Sethi — Automating Finances, Negotiating Prenups, Disagreeing with Tim, and More (#371)
  • After two months learning and researching, I finally set up my FIRE account on May 29th, 2019 🎉
  • Such a relief after visiting Nadine and Casey.
  • The best weekend this year, for pushing trivial stuff forward proactively, reading books, watching sports (Liverpool 2:0 Tottenham Hotspur, Raptors 1:1 Warriors), having hotpot, watching shows, enjoying the great weather, and wasting time together with Jasmine. Everything is perfect.


W21 (05/20 - 05/26)

  • Finish reading Domain-driven Design Quick last week and concluded some notes here. It makes a lot of sense to me on connecting the dots I’ve collected over time. The book is also a great one as an intro which helps me grash the main idea of DDD. The next step is to gain more insight in practice.
  • GoT 潦草终结,没等到我的夜王反推大陆,难过。看完了一拳超人,超级喜欢,见识了终极大招:Consecutive Normal Punch!
  • Finally, what makes my week?


W20 (05/13 - 05/19)

  • Keep my reading on Quiet


W19 (05/06 - 05/12)

  • Such a busy week, for being on call at work. I didn’t have much energy on pushing personal growth stuff. However, it’s been a fantastic week for various sports games.


W18 (04/29 - 05-05)

  • Research on a few candidates on portfolios and start building My portfolio
  • Visit Stratford to enjoy spring and celebrate Jasmine’s birthday


W17 (04/22 - 04/28)

  • Start reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
    • Being an introvert has been a bittersweet journey for me. Hope this book could help know myself better. (Recommended by Mitch)
  • Start taking an online course on economics
    • 薛兆丰的经济学课。作为 financial learning 的后续,本来已经开始读 Value Investing,但是发现好多普遍又根本的问题更吸引我。
  • Watch 风中有朵雨做的云
    • 我很同意这个故事有“知音”体,人物关系复杂又随意,所以导演打乱了时间序是为了掩盖还是故作玄虚?我不是在乎。我喜欢这里边的人物,没有人让我出戏。最迷的还是光影,没机会去影院,但是在家就已经让我沉醉了。
  • Get my 🚲


W16 (04/15 - 04/21)

W15 (04/08 - 04/12)

W14 (04/01 - 04/05)

  • Lost the basketball game in semi-final
    • 继去年在半决赛一分惜败后,这次输了两分 😥
  • Watch Persona
    • 看过之后非常困惑,整个过程就是慢慢跟不上导演的节奏。即便如此,很多画面深刻地印在了我的脑海,回来的路上一直不断地回放。在豆瓣上看到了这篇影评我很赞同,基本上解释了我所有的疑问。即使单纯作为一遍散文来读,也是很有收获,Persona (假面):沉默的假面
  • Finish reading Wealthing Like Rabbits
    • It’s a good start for my personal financial learning. The examples in the book are really persuasive, which I appreciate the most. However, I don’t really agree with the saving part. I understand the fact that we should figure out what we truly need or what the money could buy us indeed, but what I infer from the part is kinda what the author tries to avoid, which is to sacrifice your living quality for future. Especially, to ask for used baby clothes from a friend implicitly sounds manipulative to me.
  • Finish the second chapter of Writing An Interpreter In Go for parsing techniques
  • Skim over the Programming WebAssembly with Rust.
    • It’s an ok book that I put my main focus on WebAssembly even though half of the book are examples for using Rust to write WA modules. It gives me some context knowledge of WA, like how it’s developed over time and how it gets used inside and outside of the browser.

W13 (03/25 - 03/29)