[Review] SOE-YCSCS1 Compilers
Course | Compilers |
Instructor | Alex Aiken |
Link | online.stanford.edu/courses/soe-ycscs1-compilers |
- Summary
- 0 Intro
- 1 Lexical Analysis
- 2 Parsing
- 3 Semantic Analysis
- 4 Runtime Organizations
- 5 Code Generation
- 6 Optimization
Interpreter is “online” and compiler is “offline”
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What a compiler does?
Five phases
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Why are there new programming languages?
Programming training is the main dominant cost for a programming language. It’s easy to start a new language when productivity boost is over the training cost.
A LA does two things: partition the input string into lexemes, and identify the token class of each lexeme. We need a way to specify which set of strings belongs to each token class and the usual tool for doing that is to use Regular Language.
As a sidenote, inside of the compiler, we typically have several different Formal Languages, and Regular Language is one of them. A Formal Language has a set of alphabet and a meaning function, that maps syntax to semantics.
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We use Regular Expression as the Lexical Specification and we use Finite Automata as the implementation.
To define Deterministic Finite Automata: 1. no e moves; 2. for one input, there is only one transition from a state.
A token consists of (token class, lexeme).
Heuristic: why is there a Parsing stage? A Regular Language is the weakest Formal Language that’s widely used, no matter is Regular Expression, NFA, DFA, it has its limit on expressing, eg. nested structure.
Since not all strings of tokens are programs, a parser must distinguish between valid and invalid string of tokens. We need
- a language for describing valid string of tokens – CFG
- a method (algorithm) for distinguishing valid from invalid string of tokens – Parsing algorithm
Context Free Grammars (a Formal Language) is help to describe whether a string of tokens is valid. It consist of
- a set of terminals, T
- a set of non-terminals, N
- a start symbol, S, where S (- N
- a set of productions or rules
Recursive-descent Parsing (top-down): The parse tree is constructed from the top and from left to right. Start with top-level non-terminal E, try the rules for E in order. Recursive-descent parsing is a simple and general parsing strategy, which is used in GCC frontend. To use it, left recursion must be eliminated first.
Predictivce Parsing (top-down): In Recursive-descent parsing, at each step, there are many choices of production to use. Therefore, we need to backtrack to undo bad choices. Predictive parsing are a lot like Recursive-descent parsing, but it can “predict” which production to use by looking at the next few tokens, thus there is no need to backtrace. Predictive parers accept LL(k) grammars. At each step, there should be at most one choice of production.
- Left-to-right
- Left-most derivation
- k tokens looking ahead
Bottom-up parsing is more general than top-down parsing, but just as efficient. Bottom-up builds on ideas in top-down parsing and is the preferred method for most of generator tools. Bottom-up parsing reduces a string to the start symbol by inverting productions.
Lexical analysis detects inputs with illegal tokens; Parsing detects with ill-formed parse trees; and Semantic Analysis, as last front-end phase, catches all remaning errors, eg
- all identifiers are declared
- reserved identifiers are not misused
- types
- inheritance relationships
- classes defined only once
- method in a class defined only once
Much of Semantic Analysis can be expressed as recursive descent of an AST:
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Identifiers. The scope of an identifier is the portion of a program in which that identifier is accesible. Scope helps match identifier declarations with uses. There are two kinds of scopes:
- static, that the scope depends only on the program text not runtime behaviour;
- dynamic, which referes to the cloest enclosing binding in the execution of the program.
As we need to know which identifiers are defined, we introduce a data structure that tracks the current bindings of identifiers, which is Symbol Table.
Types. A set of values and a set of operations on those values. A language’s type system specifies which operations are valid for which types. The goal of type checking is to enture that operations are used with the correct types. There is no types in an assembly language, therefore there are no types at the bit level in the machine code. So, type is a virtual concept at the language level, and to type check is to enforce the intended interpretation of values.
There are a few kinds:
- static typed langs: C, Java. A lot of code is written in statically typed lang has an “escape” mechanism: like unsafe casts in C, Java (void pointer can be anything).
- dynamic typed langs: Lips, Ruby. A lot of dynamically typed lang rewrites their compilers with static lang for optimization and better debugging.
- untyped langs: machine code
Type checking. The Formal Language we use is Logic Rules of Inference, which has the form that “if Hypothesis is true, then Conclusion is true”.
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Type environment. A type environment gives types for free variables/identifiers in the current scope, by free it means the varaible is not defined.
As an example for defining Assign type checking rule:
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A type environment is built inisde the Symbol Table and gets passed down the AST from root to leaves. Types are computed up the AST from the leaves towars the root.
Before we get into optimization and code generation, we need to understand what we are trying to generate. A runtime organization controls the management of run-time resources. Particually, to understand a compiler works, we should understand the correspondenc between static (compile-time) and dynamic (run-time) strucutres: what is done by the compiler and what is deferred to the generated program actually runs.
Execution of a program is initially by OS. When a program is invoked: the OS allocates space for the program; the code is loaded into part of the space; the OS jumps to the entry point (“main”). A compiler is responsible for generating code and orchestrating code to use the data space.
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Activations. An invocation of procedure P is an activation of P. The lifetime of an activation of P is all the steps of execute P, including all the steps in procedures P calls. We can also say that the lifetime of a varaible x is the portion of execution in which x is defined. To be noted that, lifetime is a dynamic (run-time) concept, whereas scope is a static (compile-time) concept. Since activations are properly nested, we can use a stack to track currently active procedures.
Activation Records. The information needed to manage one procedure activation is called an Activation Record or Frame. If procedure F calls G, then G’s activation records contains a mix of info about F and G. Becuase G’s AR should contain information to 1. complete execution of G 2. resume execution of F.
One of many possible AR designs (which works for C)
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The compiler must determine, at compile-time, the layout of AR and generate code that correctly accesses location in the activation records. Thus, the AR layout and the code generator must be designed together.
Globals cannot be stored in AR as all references to a global variable should point to
the same object. So, globals are assigned at a fixed address once, as statically allocated.
For values that outlive the procedure that creates it cannot be kept in the AR neither, like in
method foo() { new Bar }
, that Bar
value must survive deallocation of foo
’s AR. So, we need to
use heap to store dynamically allocated data.
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Alignment. Data is word aligend if it begins at a word boundary. Most machines have some alignment restrictions or performance penalties for poor alignment.
Stack Machine, the simplest model for code generation. A stack machines use a stack as the only
storage. An instruction r = F(a1,...an)
is executed as
- Pops n operands from the stack
- Computes the operation F
- Pushes result back to the stack
The invariance a stack machine maintains: After evaluating an expression e, the accumulator holds the value of e and the stack is unchanged. This is a very important property: Expression evaluation preserves the stack.
Stack machine vs Register machine. Location of the operands/result is not explicitly stated, as
which are always on the top of the stack. We consider add
as a valid operation, instead of add
r1, r2
in a register machine. This leads to more compact programs (space). Java bytecode uses stack
evaluation. However, a register machine is mostly preferred and generally faster (time), because we
can place the data at exactly where we want it to be, which has generally less intermediate
operations and manipulation like pushing and popping off the stack.
N-register stack machine. It’s an intermediate form between pure stack machine and register machine. Conceptually, keep the top n locations of the pure stack machine’s stack in registers. A 1-register stack machines is called the accumulator.
A code gen example
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A code gen example for object layout
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Given a layout for class A, a layout for subclass B can be defined by
extending the layout of A with additional slots of the addition attributes of B. So consider layout of A3 < A2 < A1
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The offset for an attribute is the same in a class and all of its subclasses.
Dynamic dispatch. Every class has a fixed set of methods, including inherited methods. A dispatch
table is used to index these mtehods. It’s an array of method entrypoints. A method f
lives at a
fixed offset in the dispatch table for a class and all of its subclasses. Theorectially we can save
the table directly as we do for attributes. But attributes are states that 100 objects can each have
a different set of attributes values. Methods are static that it makes sense to share the common
table among objects.
Evaluation Semantics. In Code Generation, we need to define an evaluation rule, which is also called Semantics.
- The tokens is parsed by Regular Expressions in Lexical Analysis
- The grammar is represented by CFG in Syntactic Analysis
- The typing rule is represented by Inferenece Rule in Semantics Analysis
- The evaluation rules is represented by Semantics in Code Generation and Optimization
Operational Semantics. It describes program evaluation via execution rules on an abstract machine, which is most useful for specifying implementations.
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Consider the evaluation of y <- x + 1
, we should track variables and their values with:
- an environment: where a variable is in memory,
E = [a: l1, b: l2]
- a store: what is in the memory,
S = [l1 -> 5, l2 -> 7]
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Most complexity in modern compilers is in the optimizer. Optimization seeks to improve a program’s resoure utilization: execution time, code size and network messages sent, etc.
What should we perform optimizations on?
On Intermediate language
- pro: machine independent
- pro: expose optimization opportunities
- on AST is too high level
- On Assembly is not machine independent
Intermediate Language. A language between source and target. With more details than souce and less
than target. Intermidate language can be considered as high-level assmebly. It uses register names,
but has an unlimited number. It uses control structures as assembly language. It uses opcodes but
some are higher level, like push
translates to several assembly instructions. Usually, we prefer
to apply optimizations over IL, instead of AST or assembly language.
What are the units of optimization?
- A basic block is a maximal sequence of instructions with no labels (except at the first instruction) and no jumps (except in the last instruction), which makes it a single-entry, single-exit, straight-line code segment.
- A control-flow graph is a directed graph with basic block as nodes.
What are granularities of optimizations? Like in C
- Local optimization: apply to a basic block in isolation
- Global optimization (it’s not really global, but to function): apply to a control-flow graph in isolation
- Inter-procedural optimization: apply across function boundaries.
Global optimization. There are many global dataflow analysis, but they all follow the methodology: The analysis of a complicated program can be expressed as a combination of simple rules relating the change in information between adjacent statements.
Register Allocation. Register Allocation is a “must have” in compilers: because intermediate code uses too many temporaries and it makes a big difference in performance. So the optimization is about to rewrite the intermediate code to use no more temporarie than there are machine registers.
Solution: Construct an undirected graph, that a node for each temporary, an edge between t1 and t2 if they are live simultaneously at some point in the program, which is called REGISTER INTERFERENCE GRAPH (RIG). Two temporaries can be allocated to the same register if there is no edge connecting them. After RIG construction, the Register Allocation algorithm is architecture independent. The algorithm to use is called Graph coloring.
A coloring of a graph is an assignment of colors to nodes, such that nodes connected by an edge have different colors. A graph is K-COLORABLE if it has a coloring with k colors. For Register Aollocation, we need to assign colors (registers) to graph nodes (temporaries), and let k be the number of machine registers. If the RIG is k-colorable then there is a register assignment that uses no more than k registers.
Managing Cache
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The cost of cache miss (for register) is very high, so typically it requires 2-layered cache to bridge fast processor with large main memory.
Automatic Memory Managemen (GC)
- Advantage: it prevents serious storage bugs
- Disadvantge:
- it reduces programmer control, like the layout of data in memory, or when is memory deallocated;
- inefficient in some cases
- pauses problematic in real-time applications
- memory leaks possible
Mark and Sweep
- Advantage: objects are not moved during GC, works well for languages with pointers like C and C++
- Disadvantge: fragment memory
Stop and Copy
Stop and copy is generally believed to be the fastest GC technique
- Advantage: Allocation is very cheap (just increment the heap pointer). Collection is relatively cheap, especially if there is a lot of garbage, as it only touches reachable objects
- Disadvantge: some languages do not allow copy, like C and C++.
Reference Counting
- Advantage: easy to implement; collects garbage incrementally without large pauses in the execution
- Disadvantge: cannot collect circular structures; manipulating reference counts at each assignment is very slow
0 Intro
Interpreter is “online” and compiler is “offline”
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When John Backus tried to solve program productivity problem in 1950s, compared to writing machine code, he tried an interpreter language first, which is called “Speedcoding”, which makes programmer happy but takes too much memory and runs 10x slower (as an interpreter lang does). After that, he developed Fortran (Formalas Translated), which introduces a two stage development, compile and execute. Modern compilers preserve the outline of Fortran.
0.1 What a compiler does
Five phases
- Lexical analysis (syntactic)
- Parsing (syntactic)
- Semantic analysis (types, scopes..)
- Optimization
- Code generation (machine code, or byte code on a VM)
Lexical analysis is to divide a program into “words” or “tokens”
Once words are understood, the next step, Parsing, is to understand sentence structure
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Once sentence structure is understood, the next step, Semantic analysis, is to try understanding the “meaning”. For humans, we do lexical analysis and parsing, but we don’t know how we understand it. So, this is too hard for compilers. Compilers can only perform limited Semantic analysis to catch inconsistencies.
Eg. 1 Variable bindings
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The analogy in programming language is variable bindings. Programming lang define strict rules to avoid such ambiguities. For example, lexical scoped language
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Eg. 2 Type mismatch
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Optimization has no strong counterpart in English, but you can think of what an editor do. The main purpose here is to modify the program so that they use less resource, run faster (time) and use less memory (space).
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Code generation generally means a translation to another language, like in human language. It usually produces assembly code.
The proportion of each phase does has changed since Fortran
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0.2 Economy of programming language
Q1. Why are so many programming languages?
Application domains have distinctive/conflicting needs.
- In scientific computing, there should be good float point numbers, good arrays, and parallelism, like Fortran
- In bussiness applications, there should be persistence, report generation and data analysis, like SQL
- In system programming, there should be resource management and real time constraints, like C and C++.
Q2. Why are there new programming languages?
Claim: Programming training is the dominant cost for a programming language
- Widely used languages are slow to change (for education cost).
- Easy to start a new language, when productivity boost is over the training cost.
- Language adopted to fill a void as tech grows with new open niche
- New languages tend to look like old languages (think about the training cost)
Q3. What is good programming language? :shrug:
1 Lexical Analysis
1.1 Intro
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What are the valid token classes?
- Identifier
- Keyword
- Operator
- Whitespace, a non-empty sequence of blanks, newlines and tabs
- Numbers
- (
- )
- ;
- =
A LA does two things:
- Partition the input string into lexemes.
- Identify the token class of each lexeme.
Reading left-to-right and recognizing one token at a time, which requires lookahead, to help determine the end of the current token and start of next token.
Fun fact: 1. In FORTRAN, all whitespaces can be omitted 2. In PL/1, keywords are not reserved :P
1.2 Regular Language
The lexical strucutre of a programming language is a set of token classes, and each one of the token classes consists of some set of strings. We need a way to specify which set of strings belongs to each token class and the usual tool for doing that is to use Regular Language.
Usually, we use Regular Expression (the syntax) to denote Regular Languages (set of strings).
Empty string (Epsilon) {“”} 1-char string {“c”} Compound Union A + B Concatenation AB Interation A*
The regular expressions over Σ(alphabet) are the smallest set of expressions including:
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1.3 Formal Language
Inside of the compiler, we typically have several different formal languages that we are manipulating. A Regular Expression is one example.
A Formal Language has a set of alphabet Σ. A language over Σ is a set of strings of characters drawn from Σ.
Alphabet | Language |
a-z | English |
A Formal Language has a meaning function L, that maps syntax to semantics. Why it’s necessary:
- It makes clear what is syntax, what is semantics
- Allow to abstract notaion as a separate issue (1,2,10 vs I,II,X)
Generally, meaning function L is many to one. Syntax (expressions) and semantics (meanings) are not 1-1, but many to one, which means there are different ways, optimizations, to achieve the same meaning.
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Example, L in Regular Expression
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1.4 Lexcial Specification
- Write a rexp for the lexemes of each token class, like R1 = Number, R2 = Identifier..
- Construct R, matching all lexemes of all tokens. R = R1 + R2 ..
- Let input be x1..xn, for
1 <= i <= n
, check x1..xi ∈ L(R) - If so, then we know that x1..xi ∈ L(Rj) for some i
- Remove x1..xi from input and go to 3.
To resolve ambiguities
- Apply “Maximal Munch” to the input, matching
instead of=
. - Choose highest priority match, (usually list the high priority one first), like putting Keyword ahead of Identifiers
To handle errors
- Better not let it happen; otherwise specify a Error to denote all strings not in the lexical spec, put it last in priority
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1.5 Finite Automata
We use Regular Expression as the Lexical Specification and we use Finite Automata as the implementation.
A finite automata consists of * An input alphabet Σ * A finite set of states S * A start state n * A set of transitions, state + input -> state * A set of accepting states F ∈ S
For a transition s1 + input -> s2, if it’s in accpeting state => accept; otherwise => reject. Eg. terminating in a state that S not ∈ F or getting stuck of a state that cannot be moved.
So Language of a FA is the set of accepted strings.
If we allow a transition from s1 + e -> s2, that means for one input, we have two valid states, which ends up having two syntax mapping to one semantic. To define Deterministic Finite Automata:
- No e moves
- For one input, there is only one transition from a state
NFA can have e moves. Essentially, deterministic means for one input, there is one path through the state graph.
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As for one input, NFA might end up multiple states. We say an NFA accepts if any one of the path finishes at an accepting state.
NFA, DFA and Regular Expression all have equivalent power for specifying Regular Language.
- DFA are faster to execute, as there are no choices to consider. (TIME)
- NFA are in general (might be exponentially) smaller. (SPACE)
e-closure for a state is all the states that it can reach through e move.
An NFA may be in many states at any time, but how many different states? For N states, there would be 2**N - 1 finite set of possible states (except for the empty set).
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to transit to DFA
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A DFA can be implemented by a 2D table T * One dimension is states * Ohter dimension is input symbol * For every transition Si + a -> Sk, define T[i,a] = k
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2 Parsing
2.1 Intro
Heuristic: why is there a Parsing stage?
A Regular Language is the weakest Formal Language that’s widely used, no matter is Regular Expression, NFA, DFA, it has its limit on expressing, eg. nested structure.
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Parsing is the stage to help apply more analysis onto tokens.
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2.2 Context Free Grammars
2.2.1 CFG - Intro
Since not all strings of tokens are programs, a parser must distinguish between valid and invalid string of tokens. We need
- a language for describing valid string of tokens, and
- a method (algorithm) for distinguishing valid from invalid string of tokens
Context Free Grammars is help to solve the first point, which is to answer “yes” or “no” whether a string of tokens is valid.
Programming languages have recursive strucutres. CFG are a natural notaion for this recursive structure.
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A CFG consists of
- a set of terminals, T
- a set of non-terminals, N
- a start symbol, S, where S (- N
- a set of productions or rules, X -> Y1…Yn, where X (- N, Yi (- T + N + {e}
means you can replace X with Y1..Yn
. This also explains that Terminal means there are
no rules to replace them.
Eg, to represent nested structure
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To use CFG to present a language: Let G be a CFG with start symbol S, then the language L(G) is
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You can derive from S (with the defined of productions) to a1..an
, which are all valid string of tokens.
Usually we use bison
to implement a CFG.
A derivation is a sequence of productions.
A derivation can be drawn as a tree, Parse Tree.
- use start symbol as the root
- for a production
X -> Y1..Yn
, add childrenY1..Yn
to nodeX
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A parse tree
- has terminal at the leaves and non-terminals at the interior nodes
- an in-order traversal of the leaves is the original input
- shows the assocation of operations, the input string does not
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A derivation defines a parse tree, but a parse tree may have many derivations. Left-most and right-most derivations are important in parser implementations.
A grammar is ambiguous if it has more than one parse tree for some string.
For a string of tokens: id * id + id
, there are two parse trees can be derived with the following
grammar E -> E+E | E*E | (E) | id
To fix it, we can rewrite grammar unambiguously, to enforce precedence
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It’s impossible to convert automatically. Instead of rewriting, we can also use the more natural (ambiguous) grammar along with disambiguating declarations. Most tools allow precedence and associativity declarations to disambiguate grammars.
A compiler not only translates the valid programms, but also detects non-valid ones.
Erro kind | Example | Detected by |
Lexical | ..$.. | Lexer |
Syntax | ..x*%.. | Parser |
Semantic | int x; y = x(3); | Type checker |
Correctness | your program | User |
Error recorvery
- Panic mode. When an error is encountered, discard tokens until one with a clear role is found. The synchronizing tokens are typicall the statements or expression terminators, like ;
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- Error productions
Add E -> .. | EE
to support 5x
in addition to 5 * x
- Error correction: automatic local or global correction by try token insertions and deletions (historially, due to the slow compilation cycle)
2.3 Abstract Syntax Tree
Rather than working on the elaborate parse tree, we can use a more compact (abstract) one
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2.4 Recursive-Descent Parsing
Top-down. The parse tree is constructed from the top and from left to right. Start with top-level non-terminal E, try the rules for E in order.
Let’s take an example:
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We should define a few helper funcsionts along with a next
pointer pointing to the next input token.
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If a production for non-terminal X succeeds, there is no way to backtract and try a different
production for X later. like matching against int * int
, our program would stop after parsing the
first int
. A general RD algorithm should support such “full” backtracking. We can also rewrite our
grammar to make it work without backtracking, by rewriting to eliminate left recursion.
Considering a production S -> Sa, there will be a loop
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A left-recursive grammar has a non-terminal S, where S -> Sa for some a. Recursive-descent doesn’t work with in such cases. Generally, given a left-resurive gramar with Recursive-descent algorithm, it runs into a loop.
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But, we can rewrite it using right-recursion.
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To make it more general
can be rewritten as
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Recursive-descent parsing is a simple and general parsing strategy, which is used in GCC frontend. To use it, left recursion must be eliminated first.
2.5 Predictive Parsing
deterministic top-down parsing
In Recursive-descent parsing, at each step, there are many choices of production to use. Therefore, we need to backtrack to undo bad choices. Predictive parsing are a lot like Recursive-descent parsing, but it can “predict” which production to use by looking at the next few tokens, thus there is no need to backtrace.
Predictive parers accept LL(k) grammars. At each step, there should be at most one choice of production.
- Left-to-right
- Left-most derivation
- k tokens looking ahead
Eg. in Recursive-descent parsing, we have the grammar
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In Predictive parsing, we should left-factor the grammar to make it LL(k) grammar:
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How to apply the Recursive-descent parsing?
Once we have the LL(1) grammar, we should build a LL(1) parsing table: the row is left-most non-terminals, and the column is the next input token, content is the production rule to use, and empty content is the error state.
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The algorithm maintains a stock records frontier of parse tree. Top of the stack is the left-most pending terminal or non-terminal. It accpets on end of input $ & empty stack. It rejects on reaching error state.
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How to build build LL(1) parsing table?
Consider non-terminal A, and production A -> a & token t, there are two valid cases for T[A,t] = a:
- If a ->* tb, which means a can derive t in the first position, we say t ∈First(a), t belongs to the First Set of a.
- Else if A -> a and a ->* e and S ->* At, which means A cannot derive t, but t follows up A in at least one derivation, we say t ∈Follow(A).
First Set
Follow Set
To construct a parsing table T for CFG G, for each production A -> a in G do:
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If in the table, any entry is multiply defined, then G is not LL(1), eg. G is not left factored, left recursive, or ambiguous.
2.6 Bottom-up Parsing
Bottom-up parsing is more general than (deterministic) top-down parsing, but just as efficient. Bottom-up builds on ideas in top-down parsing and is the preferred method for most of generator tools. Bottom-up parsers don’t need left-factored grammar.
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Bottom-up parsing reduces a string to the start symbol by inverting productions.
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Important Fact #1 about Bottom-up parsing: A bottom-up parser traces a rightmost derivation in reverse.
This has an interesting implication: let αβω be a step of a bottom-up parse, assume the next reduction is by X -> β, then ω must be a string of terminals
First, we need a marker and the left handside is called left string and right side is right string.
Bottom-up parsing uses only two kinds of actions:
Shift: Move one place to the right ABC|xyz => ABCx|yz
- Reduce: Apply an inverse production at the right end of the left string
Left string can be implemented by a stack. Shift move pushes a terminal onto the stack. Reduce move pops symbols off of the stack (production rhs) and pushes a non-terminal back to the stack (production lhs).
How do we decide when to shift or reduce?
Bottom-up parsing algorithms are based on recognizing handles.
We should reduce only if the result can still be reduced to the start stymbol. Assume a rightmost
derivation, S ->* aXw -> abw
, then ab
is a handle of abw
Important Fact #2 about Bottom-up parsing: In shift-reduce parsing, handles appear only at the top of the stack, never inside.
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In terms of recognizing handles, there are no efficent algorithms, but there are heuristic guessing always correct for some CFGS.
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is a viable prefix if there is an w
such that a|w
is a state of shift-reduce parser.
Important fact #3 about Bottom-up parsing: For any grammar, the set of viable prefixs is a regular language (can be recognized by a FA).
To recognize viable prefixes: we must
- recognize a sequence of partial rhs’s of productions, where
- each partial rhs can eventually reduce to part of the missing suffix of its predecessor
- handles
- items
- valid prefix
- recognize valid prefix
- valid items
3 Semantic Analysis
Lexical analysis detects inputs with illegal tokens; Parsing detects with ill-formed parse trees; and Semantic Analysis, as last front-end phase, catches all remaning errors, eg
- all identifiers are declared
- types
- inheritance relationships
- classes defined only once
- method in a class defined only once
- reserved identifiers are not misused
Much of Semantic Analysis can be expressed as recursive descent of an AST:
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3.1 Identifiers
The scope of an identifier is the portion of a program in which that identifier is accesible. Scope helps match identifier declarations with uses. There are two kinds of scopes:
- most languages use static scope, which means scope depends only on the program text, not runitme behaviour;
- a few languages are dynamically scoped, like LISP. A dynamically-scoped variable refers to the closest enclosing binding in the execution of the program.
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Static scopes in Cool lang is introduced by:
- class declarations
- method definitions
- attribute definitions
- let expression
- case expressions
- formal parameters
When performing Semantic Analysis on a portion of the program, we need to know which identifiers are defined. Therefore we introduce a data structure that tracks the current bindings of identifiers, which is Symbol Table.
For its recursive nature, we can use stack to represent nested scopes and a set to represent Symbol Table in each scope
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There are cases, like Class names, that can be used before being defined. We cannot check class names using Symbol Table or in one pass. We can gather all class names first and do the checking. Therefore, Semantic Analysis requires multiple passes.
3.2 Types
What is a type? The notion varies from language to language. But a consensus is: a set of values and a set of operations on those values. Classes are one instantiation of the modern notion of type, like in OO.
A language’s type system specifies which operations are valid for which types. The goal of type checking is to enture that operations are used with the correct types. There is no types in an assembly language, therefore there are no types at the bit level in the machine code. So, type is a virtual concept at the language level, and to type check is to enforce the intended interpretation of values.
There are a few kinds:
- static typed langs: C, Java. A lot of code is written in statically typed lang has an “escape” mechanism: like unsafe casts in C, Java (void pointer can be anything).
- dynamic typed langs: Lips, Ruby. A lot of dynamically typed lang rewrites their compilers with static lang for optimization and better debugging.
- untyped langs: machine code
When type checking, the compiler basically infers types for every expression, to make sure it’s used with the correct type.
We’ve seen two forma notations specifying parts of a compiler: Regular Expression and Context-Free Grammars. The formalism for type check is logic rules of inference, which has the form that “if Hypothesis is true, then Conclusion is true.” By tradition, inference rules are written as
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If there is no Hypothesis required, we can consider it as an axiom
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As an example, the inference rule for Int plus operation is
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A type system is sound if whenever ⊢ e: T
, then e
evaluates to a value of type T
. So, type
checking proves the fact of e: T
on the strucuture of the AST, which then maintains the shape of
AST. There is one type rule used for each AST node and in a type rule of node e
: Hypotheses are the proofs of
types of e'
s subexpression and conclustion is the type of e
. So, types are computed in a
bottom-up pass over the AST.
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Heuristic: for a literal 1 is an Int
, we know that ⊢ 1: Int
; but for a variable x
how could we
know it type.
A type environment gives types for free variables/identifiers in the current scope, by free it means the varaible is not defined. So, we can consider a type environment is a function from identifiers to types.
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With the type environment, we can refine our Conclusion branch in inference rules: O ⊢ e: T
, under
the assumption that free variables have the types given by O
, it’s provable that the expression
has type T.
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To make it more scoped, we can introduce another notation O[T/x]
, which means x
is of type T
in O
1 2 3 |
A type environment is built inisde the Symbol Table and gets passed down the AST from root to leaves. Types are computed up the AST from the leaves towars the root.
Let’s look at the [Assign]
inference rule
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What about [if-then-else]
? It should be the smallest supertype larger than each branch. We
introduce lub(X,Y)
, the least upper bound of X and Y. In an OO language, lub
of two types is the
least common ancestor in the inheritance tree.
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In the example language COOL, method and object identifiers in different name spaces, that a method
and an object foo
can coexist in the same scope. This is reflected by a separate mapping M
for method signatures, which we call the method environment. In most cases, M
is passed down the
AST and only gets used in Dispatch
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Therefore a method is type checking by
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For a static dispatch, we require users to use e0@T
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For a language supports self type, we need to know that which class the expression appears in. So the full type environment for COOL is
- A mapping
gives types to object identifiers - A mapping
gives types to method identifiers - The current class
COOL type checking can be implemented in a single traversal of the AST, that type environment is pass down and types are passed up.
Let’et take [Let-init]
as an example. Inference rule is the defined as
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The implementation would be
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In COOL, dynamic_type(E) <= static_type(E)
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So, we should extend the type system with SELF_TYPE, which allows the return type of inc
to change
whne inc
is inherited.
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4 Runtime Organizations
Before we get into optimization and code generation, we need to understand what we are trying to generate. A runtime organization controls the management of run-time resources. Particually, to understand a compiler works, we should understand the correspondenc between static (compile-time) and dynamic (run-time) strucutres: what is done by the compiler and what is deferred to the generated program actually runs.
Execution of a program is initially by OS. When a program is invoked: the OS allocates space for the program; the code is loaded into part of the space; the OS jumps to the entry point (“main”).
In terms of space (memroy), traditionally it’s like this. A compiler is responsible for generating code and orchestrating code to use the data space.
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4.1 Activations
There are two goals for code generation: correctness and speed. To talk about that, we need to talk about activations.
An invocation of procedure P is an activation of P. The lifetime of an activation of P is all the steps of execute P, including all the steps in procedures P calls. We can also say that the lifetime of a varaible x is the portion of execution in which x is defined. To be noted that, lifetime is a dynamic (run-time) concept, whereas scope is a static (compile-time) concept.
Given, when P calls Q, then Q returns before P returns, activation lifetimes can be depicted as a activation tree. The activation tree depends on run-time behaviour and may be different for every program input.
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Since activations are properly nested, we can use a stack to track currently active procedures.
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4.2 Activation Records
So what information we should keep for activations? The information needed to manage one procedure activation is called an Activation Record or Frame.
If procedure F calls G, then G’s activation records contains a mix of info about F and G. Becuase G’s AR should contain information to 1. complete execution of G 2. resume execution of F.
This is one of many possible AR designs (which works for C)
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Let’s review this example again:
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The compiler must determine, at compile-time, the layout of AR and generate code that correctly accesses location in the activation records. Thus, the AR layout and the code generator must be designed together.
4.3 Global && Heaps
Globals cannot be stored in AR as all references to a global variable should point to the same object. So, globals are assigned at a fixed address once, as statically allocated.
For values that outlive the procedure that creates it cannot be kept in the AR neither, like in
method foo() { new Bar }
, that Bar
value must survive deallocation of foo
’s AR. So, we need to
use heap to store dynamically allocated data.
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4.4 Alignment
This is a very low level but important detail of machine architecture.
Most modern machines are 32 or 64 bit: 8 bits in a byte, and 4 or 8 bytes in a word. Machines are either byte or word addressable.
Data is word aligend if it begins at a word boundary. Most machines have some alignment restrictions or performance penalties for poor alignment.
5 Code Generation
5.1 Stack Machines
the simplest model for code generation
A stack machines use a stack as the only storage. An instruction r = F(a1,...an)
is executed as
- Pops n operands from the stack
- Computes the operation F
- Pushes result back to the stack
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5.1.1 Stack machine vs Register machine
What’s the benefit of using a stack machine?
Location of the operands/result is not explicitly stated, as which are always on the top of the
stack. We consider add
as a valid operation, instead of add r1, r2
in a register machine. This
leads to more compact programs (space). Java bytecode uses stack evaluation.
However, a register machine is mostly preferred and generally faster (time), because we can place the data at exactly where we want it to be, which has generally less intermediate operations and manipulation like pushing and popping off the stack.
5.1.2 n-register stack machine
It’s an intermediate form between pure stack machine and register machine. Conceptually, keep the top n locations of the pure stack machine’s stack in registers. A 1-register stack machines is called the accumulator.
In a pure stack machine, an add
does 3 memory operations, with two reads and one write to the
stack. In a 1-register stack machine, add
does one read as acc <- acc + top_of_stack
In a general form, for expression op(e1,..en)
(each e
is an subexpression)
- for each
store the result inacc
push result on the stack - Pop n-1 values from the stack, compute
- Store result in
The invariance a stack machine maintains: After evaluating an expression e, the accumulator holds the value of e and the stack is unchanged. This is a very important property: Expression evaluation preserves the stack.
5.2 Intro
We’ll focus on generating code for a stack machine with accumulator. We simulate stack machines
instrinstructions using MIPS instructions and registers. MIPS architecture is prototypical RISC.
Most operations use registers sfor operands & results, use load&store instructions to use values in
memory. There 32 general purpose registers (32 bits each), we’ll use $a0 $sp $t1
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MIPS instruction list
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5.3 Code Gen
Let’s define a simple language with integers and integer operations
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For each expression e
we generate MIPS code that
* Computes the value of e
in $a0
* Preserves $sp
and the contents of the stack
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How about code gen for functions?
Code for function calls and function definitions depend on the layout of the AR. A very simple AR suffices for COOL lang:
- The result is always in the accumulator (no need to store in the AR)
- The AR holds actual parameters. For
on the stack - The stack discipline guarantees that on function exit
is the same as it was on function entry (no need for a control link) - We need the return address
- A pointer to the current activation is useful. This pointer lives in register
(frame pointer)
For AR, the caller’s frame pointer, the actual parameters and the return address suffices.
A call to f(x, y)
the AR is
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The calling sequene is the instructions (of both caller and callee) to set up a function invocation.
The caller * saves its value of the frame pointer * then it saves the actual parameters in reverse order * finally the caller saves the return address in register $ra * The AR so far is 4*n + 4 bytes long The callee * pops the return address, the actual arguments and restores the caller’s frame pointer
- The AR must be designed together with the code generator
- Code generation can be done by recursive traversal of the AST
- Production compilers do different things:
- Emphasis on keeping values in registers
- Intermediate results (temporaries) are laid out in the AR, not pushed and poped from the stack
How about temporaries?
A rule of thumb is to keep temporaries in AR. So, code generation must know how many temporaries are in use at each point, which can be done by looking at the AST.
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5.4 Code Gen - Object Layout
OO Slogan: If B is a subclass of A, then an object of class B can be used wherever an object of class A is expected. This means that code in class A has to work unmodified for object of class B, at compile time.
Q. How are objects represented in memory?
Objects are laid out in contiguous memory. Each attributes stored at a fixed offset in the object.
WHen a method is invoed, self
points to the whole object.
The layout for Cool objects
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Based on the observation: Given a layout for class A, a layout for subclass B can be defined by
extending the layout of A with additional slots of the addition attributes of B. So consider layout
of A3 < A2 < A1
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The offset for an attribute is the same in a class and all of its subclasses.
Q. How is dynamic dispatch implemented?
Every class has a fixed set of methods, including inherited methods. A dispatch table is used to
index these mtehods. It’s an array of method entrypoints. A method f
lives at a fixed offset in
the dispatch table for a class and all of its subclasses.
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The dispatch table would be: tables for B and C extend table for A to the right, and because methods can be overriden, the method of f is not the same in every class, but is always at the same offset.
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So back to the dispatch pointer, the dispatch pointer in an object of class X points to the dispatch table for class X:
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Every method f
of X
is assigned an offset Of
in the dispatch table at compile time. That’s why
we maintain the offset when extending dispatch table.
Theorectially we can save the table directly as we do for attributes. But attributes are states that 100 objects can each have a different set of attributes values. Methods are static that it makes sense to share the common table among objects.
5.5 Evaluation Semantics
runtime semantics, compared to compile-time Semantic Analysis
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In Code Generation, we need to define an evaluation rule, which is also called Semantics.
Let’s look back the definition of a programming language: * The tokens is parsed by Regular Expressions in Lexical Analysis * The grammar is represented by CFG in Syntactic Analysis * The typing rule is represented by Inferenece Rule in Semantics Analysis * The evaluation rules is represented by Semantics in Code Generation and Optimization
We have specified evaluation rules indirectly by * the compilation of Cool program to a stack machine bytecode; and * the evaluation rules of the stack machine, which translates bytecode to some assembly program
This is a complete description of evaluation rules, but it’s not good enough, as assembly-language descriptions of language implementations have irrelevant details, that we don’t want it become the only way to execute our program.
- whether to use a stack machine or not
- which way the stack grows
- how integers are represented
- the particular instruction set of the architecture
Therefore, we’d love to have a complete description, but not an overly restrictive specification.
There are many ways to specify semantics:
- Operational semantics: it describes program evaluation via execution rules on an abstract machine, which is most useful for specifying implementations.
- Denotation semantics: program’s meaning is mapping to a mathematical function
- Axiomatic semantics: program’s behaviour is described via logical formalae. It’s the foundation of many program verification systems.
5.6 Operational Semantics
We should introduce a formal notation, which is Logical rules of inference as in type checking.
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Consider the evaluation of y <- x + 1
, we should track variables and their values with:
- an environment: where a variable is in memory
- a store: what is in the memory
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A variable environment maps variables to locations, that keeps track of which variables are in scope and tells us where those variables are
A store maps memory locations to values
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Cool values are objects, which define X(a1 = l1, ..., an = ln)
as a Cool object where X
is the
class name, ai
are the attributes (including the inherited ones) and li
the location where the
value of ai
is stored.
There are a few special cases (classes withouth attributes)
* Int(5)
* Bool(true)
* String(4, "abcd")
* void
of type Object and usually use NULL
as the concrete implementation
The evaluation judgement is
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Therefore, the result of an evaluation is a value and a new store, where new store models the side-effects.
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5.7 Intermediate language
A language between source and target. With more details than souce and less than target.
Intermidate language can be considered as high-level assmebly. It uses register names, but has an
unlimited number. It uses control structures as assembly language. It uses opcodes but some are
higher level, like push
translates to several assembly instructions.
Usually, we prefer to apply optimizations over IL, instead of AST or assembly language.
6 Optimization
6.1 Intro
Most complexity in modern compilers is in the optimizer. Optimization seeks to improve a program’s resoure utilization: execution time, code size and network messages sent, etc. In practice, not all fancy optimizations known are implemented, given the difficulty to implement, the cost in compilation and low payoff. So, the goal of optimization should be to get maximum benefit with minimum cost.
Q. What should we perform optimizations?
On AST (after Semantic Analysis) * pro: machine independent * con: too high level
On Assembly language (after code gen) * pro: expose optimization opportunities * con: machine independent * con: must reimplement optimizations when re-targeting
On Intermediate language * pro: machine independent * pro: expose optimization opportunities
Q. What are the units of optimization?
A basic block is a maximal sequence of instructions with no labels (except at the first instruction) and no jumps (except in the last instruction), which makes it a single-entry, single-exit, straight-line code segment.
For example, within this basic block, given 3 executes only after 2, we can change 3 to be w := 3*x
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A control-flow graph is a directed graph with basic block as nodes. Between the nodes, there can be an edge from block A to block B if the execution can pass from the last instruction in A to the first instruction in B. Usually, the body of a function can be represented as a control-flow graph.
Q. What are granularities of optimizations? Like in C
- Local optimization: apply to a basic block in isolation
- Global optimization (it’s not really global, but to function): apply to a control-flow graph in isolation
- Inter-procedural optimization: apply across function boundaries.
Most compilers do 1, many do 2 and few do 3.
6.2 Local Optimization
Each local optimization does little by itself, given the scope of basic block. But optimizations typically interfact, comiplers repeat optimizations until no improvement is possible.
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CONSTANT FOLDING, that operations on constants can be computed at compile time. This can be dangerous when compiler and gen code are running on different archs, eg. how float is represented.
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Some optimizations are simplified if each register occurs only once on the left-hand side of an assignment. We can rewrite intermediate code in SINGLE ASSIGNMENT FORM.
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If basic block is in single assignment form, and a definition x:=
is the first use of x
in a
block, then when two assignments have the same rhs, they compute the same value.
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COPY PROPAGATION, which assumes single assignment form
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DEAD CODE ELIMINATION, which assumes single assignement form
if w := rhs
appears in a basic block, w
does not appear anywhere else in the program. then w
is dead in the sense of not contributing to the program’s result that can be eliminated.
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It’s a variation of local optimization, which directly applies on assemly code. The peephole is a short sequenve of (usually contiguous) instructions. The optimizer replaces the sequenve with another equivalent one (but faster).
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This implies that many simple optimizations can still be applied on assembly language. “Program optimization” is grossly misnamed, that code produced by “optimizers” is not optimal in any reasonable sense. “Program improvement” is a more appropriate term.
6.3 Global Optimization
6.3.1 Dataflow analysis
Before we get understand some global optimization technique, like global constant propagation, we need to know the dataflow analysis.
Can we propagate constant X := 3
to the end result?
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To replace a use of x
by a constant k
we must know: on every path to the use of x
, the last
assignment to x
is x := k
The correctness condition is not trivial to check. It requres global dataflow analysis, which is an anylysis of the entire control-flow graph.
Global optimization tasks share several traits:
- the optimization depends on knowing a property
at a particular point in program execution - proving
at any point requires knowledge of the entire program - it’s Ok to be conservative, that we may say
is definitely true, or Don’t know ifX
is true.
There are many global dataflow analysis, but they all follow the methodology: The analysis of a complicated program can be expressed as a combination of simple rules relating the change in information between adjacent statements.
6.3.2 Global constant propogation
To replace a use of x
by a constant k
we must know: on every path to the use of x
, the last
assignment to x
is x := k
Let’s consider the case of computing for a single variable X
at all program ponts. To make the
problem precise, we associate one of the following values with X
at every program point
- ⊥ that
is bottom, this statement never executes - C that
is constantC
- T that
is top, meansX
is not a constant
How to compute the properties X = ?
at each program point?
It means to tag the property X
before each statement in the program.We should define a transfer
function that transfers information one statement to another. There are 8 general rules in total,
here is one example
The algorithm is depicted as
- For every entry
to the program, setC(s, X, in) = T
, setC(s, X, in) = C(s, X, out) = ⊥
everywhere else - Repeat until all points satisfy rule 1-8
not satisfiying rule 1-8 and update using the appropriate rule
We can simplify the presentation of the analysis by ordering the values that ⊥ < C < T
To make it clear, that all constants are in between and incomparable.
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We can define the lub, least-upper bound
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The use of lub explains why the algorithm terminates: Values start as ⊥
and only increas and ⊥
can change to a constant, and to T
, Thus C(s, x, in/out)
can change at most twice.Therefore the
constant propagation algorithm is linear in program size:
1 2 |
6.3.3 Liveness Analysis
“live” here means value may be used in the future.
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A variable x
is live at statement s
- there exists a statement
that usesx
- there is a path from
- that path has no intervening assignment to
How do we gather the liveness information?
Just as we do in the constant propagation, we can express liveness in terms of information transferred between adjacent statements. It’s simpler as it only needs a boolean property.
The algorithm is depicted as
- Let all
L(..) = false
initially - Repeat untile all statements
satisfy rules 1-4 picks
where one of 1-4 does not hold and update use the appropriate rule
A value can change from false
to true
, but not the other way around, so the order is false <
. Each value can change only once, so termination is guaranteed. Once the analysis is
computed, it is simple to eliminate dead code.
We’ve seen two kinds of analysis: * Constant propagation is a forward analysis that information is pushed from input to output. * Liveness is backwards analysis that information is pushed from output back towards input.
6.4 Register Allocation
one of the most sophiscated things that compilers do to optimize performance
Register Allocation is a “must have” in compilers: because intermediate code uses too many temporaries and it makes a big difference in performance.
temporaries -> RIG -> Graph Coloring
Background: Intermediate code uses unlimited temporaries, which can simplify code generation and optimization, but complicate the final translation to assembly. So, typical intermediate code uses too many temporaries.
Problem: rewrite the intermediate code to use no more temporarie than there are machine registers.
Solution: Register allocaiton is as old as compilers. There was a breakthrough in 1980 that people found a algorithem that’s relatively simple, global and works well in practice, which is based on GRAPH COLORING. The basic principle is: If t1 and t2 are live at the same time, they cannot share a register.
Construct an undirected graph, that a node for each temporary, an edge between t1 and t2 if they are live simultaneously at some point in the program, which is called REGISTER INTERFERENCE GRAPH (RIG). Two temporaries can be allocated to the same register if there is no edge connecting them. After RIG construction, the Register Allocation algorithm is architecture independent.
6.4.2 Graph Coloring
A coloring of a graph is an assignment of colors to nodes, such that nodes connected by an edge have different colors. A graph is K-COLORABLE if it has a coloring with k colors.
For Register Aollocation, we need to assign colors (registers) to graph nodes (temporaries), and let k be the number of machine registers. If the RIG is k-colorable then there is a register assignment that uses no more than k registers.
Graph coloring is hard:
- Graph coloring is NP-hard, which means no efficient algorithems are known. So the solution is to use heuristics, basically an approximation technique doesn’t solve the problem completely.
- A coloring might not exist for a given number of registers. The solution is to spill some spare registers to memory.
Observation (divide and conquor): * Pick a node t with fewer than k neighbours in RIG * Eliminate t and its edges from RIG * If resulting graph is k-colorable, then so is the original grpah * If not, spill registers to memory
- Pick a node t fewer than k neighbours; put t on a stack and remove it from the RIG; repeat until the graph is empty If there is no way to pick the node t with fewer than k neighbours, spill it to memory
- Assigne colors to nodes on the stack, starting with the last node added. At each step, pick a color different from those assigned to already colored neighbours.
6.5 Managing Cache
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The cost of cache miss (for register) is very high, so typically it requires 2-layered cache to bridge fast processor with large main memory.
Compilers are very good at managing registers, but not that good at managing caches. Compilers can, and a few do, perform some cache optimizations.
A simple example is to perform a loop interchange.
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6.6 Automatic Memory Management (GC)
6.6.1 Intro
- Advantage: it prevents serious storage bugs
- Disadvantge:
- it reduces programmer control, like the layout of data in memory, or when is memory deallocated;
- inefficient in some cases
- pauses problematic in real-time applications
- memory leaks possible
Automatic Memory Management became mainstream with the popularity of Java.
- When an object is created, unused space is automatically allocated
- After a while there is no unused space. Some space is occupied by objects that will never be used again. This space can be freed to be reused later
How do we know an object will “never be used again”?
Observation: a program can use only the objects that it can find. An object x
is REACHABLE if and
only if:
- a register contains a pointer to
, or - another reachable object
contains a point tox
You can find all reachable objects by starting from registers and following all the pointers. An unreachable object can never be used, such objects are GARBAGE. One thing to be noted, reachability is an approximation, which means you might be be able to find all reachability.
Every GC schema has the following steps:
- Allocate space as needed for new objects
- When space runs out: a comput what objets might be used again (genearlly by tracing objects reachable from a set of “root” registers b free the space used by objects not found in a)
6.6.2 Mark and Sweep
- Advantage: objects are not moved during GC, works well for languages with pointers like C and C++
- Disadvantge: fragment memory
If there is no memory for GC happening, we can use some tricks, like reverse the pointer in the mark phase and reuse garbage object in place as free list in the sweep phase.
This technique only works with Mark and sweep, as objects cannot be moved.
GC relies on being able to find all reachable objects which needs to find all pionters in an object. In C or C++ it is impossible to identify the contents of objects in memory, thus we cannot tell where all the pointers are.
But it’s ok to be conservative: if a memory word looks like a pointer, it’s considered to be a pointer, like it must be algined, it must point to a valid address in the data segement.
6.6.3 Stop and Copy
Stop and copy is generally believed to be the fastest GC technique
- Advantage: Allocation is very cheap (just increment the heap pointer). Collection is relatively cheap, especially if there is a lot of garbage, as it only touches reachable objects
- Disadvantge: some languages do not allow copy, like C and C++.
Memroy is organized into two areas: old space, used for allocation; new space, used as a reserve for GC
- GC starts when the old space is full
- Copies all reachable objects from old space to new space, with garbage left behind
- After the copy, the roles of the old and new spaces are reversed and program resumes
The problem is after we copy a reachable object into new space, we have to fix all pointers pointing to it. One solution is to store in the old copy a forwarding pointer to the new copy.
6.6.4 Reference Counting
- Advantage: easy to implement; collects garbage incrementally without large pauses in the execution
- Disadvantge: cannot collect circular structures; manipulating reference counts at each assignment is very slow
Rather than wait for memory to be exhausted, try to collect an object when there are no more pointers to it. This requires to store in each object the number of pointers to that object, which is the reference count. Each assignment operation manipulates the reference count.
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To solve the circular case, one way is to make programmer be aware of it when creating circular data; another way is to combine with other GC technique, like running a Mark and sweep every once a while.
6.6.5 Advanced GC Algorithm
- concurrent: allow the program to run while the collection is happening (collector is running in background)
- parallel: several collectors working at once
- generational: do not scan long-lived objects at every collection
- real time: bound the length of pauses